
Most traditional sports or safety goggles are designed without prescription, which is not friendly for those with vision problems. With us, you can choose different lenses and prescriptions or even various lens features but still maintain the unique protective ability of goggles. They include all kinds of goggles used for ball sports, outdoor motorcycles, swimming, and safety work.


Prescription Goggles FAQs

Can you get goggles with prescription?

Of course, there is no problem! Your preferred option is to select the style of goggles you like and click on the heart to add to your favorites. Then, when you get your prescription, you can add prescription lens information for us to process, and when it's done, you'll have a pair of prescription goggles that you like.

Are prescription goggles expensive?

Generally speaking, prescription goggles are relatively more expensive than regular ones, and the additional price for our custom lenses is around $30-$50.

How long does it take to get prescription goggles?

Prescription goggles take about the same time to customize as regular prescription glasses. Generally speaking, it takes about 3-5 business days for single vision lenses and an additional week for other special lenses such as bifocal or polarized lenses.